Ueno Yuki Kokuto 300G


ブラジルの「Planeta Verde」社は、世界でも数少ない有機黒糖(オーガニックブラウンシュガー)の生産者で「自然との調和」を理念としています。


化学農薬及び化学肥料を用いずに自然の力だけで はぐくまれた



商品名 : 有機黒糖
包装形態 : ポリ袋
内容量 : 300g
サイズ : 210×140×25
ケース入数 : 10×2
ケースサイズ : 340×280×133
ケース重量 : 6kg



The Brazilian company "Planeta Verde" is one of the few producers of organic brown sugar in the world, and its philosophy is "harmony with nature."

The company started producing organic brown sugar because the owner, who was concerned that wild birds and animals were no longer being seen on the farm, decided to open an organic farm to bring back nature. This is the reason why I came up with the idea of conversion.

Nurtured only by the power of nature without using chemical pesticides or fertilizers
Produced from organically grown sugar cane” Traceability” is effective. Safe and secure” organic brown sugar (brown sugar).

It is a system to track and confirm information in the process of food, etc., from procurement of raw materials to production and distribution.


Product name : Organic brown sugar
Packaging form : Plastic bag
Content capacity : 300g
Size : 210×140×25
Number of cases : 10×2
Case size : 340×280×133
Case weight : 6kg