Daiko Yakuhin Seirogan 100Pcs Medical


SKU:  039278961003 MI-NE

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胃腸薬 正露丸は、100年以上前から、ご家族(5才以上)のみなさまに使用されている常備薬です。天然成分の日本薬局方(日局)木クレオソートは腸の運動を止めないで、腸内の水分バランスを調整し、おなかに作用します。特に食あたり、水あたり、消化不良といった食べ物、飲み物が原因で起こる軟便、下痢およびストレス、かぜなどの原因で起こる軟便、下痢にすぐれた効き目を発揮します。本剤は主成分の日局 木クレオソートをはじめアセンヤク末、オウバク末、カンゾウ末および陳皮末などの生薬を配合した特異なにおいを持つすこし湿ったやわらかい丸剤です。


Gastrointestinal medicine Seirogan is a regular medicine that has been used by families (ages 5 and over) for over 100 years. Wood creosote from the Japanese Pharmacopoeia (Japanese Pharmacopoeia), a natural ingredient, regulates the water balance in the intestines and affects the stomach without stopping intestinal motility. It is especially effective against loose stools and diarrhea caused by food and drink, such as food and drink indigestion, and stress, colds, and other causes.

This drug is a slightly moist, soft pill with a unique odor that contains the main ingredient, wood creosote, as well as other herbal medicines such as Acacia yaku powder, Acacia root powder, Licorice powder, and Chinpi powder.
Loose stools, diarrhea, perishing food, perishing water, dribbling, bloating, diarrhea due to indigestion, toothache