Shoshugen White Peach Scent World Incense Road F


【お部屋の消臭元 もぎたて白桃の商品詳細】●でっかいろ紙がお部屋のイヤなニオイをしっかり消臭。●シャバシャバすれば香り復活。●ろ紙を引き上げ、好きな強さに香り調節。●400mlで効果長持ち。●もぎたて白桃の香り:「白桃」の香りは、ほんのり甘い桃の果肉を表現した、ジューシーでみずみずしい白桃をイメージした香りです。

[Details of freshly picked white peach deodorant for your room] ●Large filter paper removes unpleasant odors from your room. ● If you shake it, the scent will be restored. ●Pull up the filter paper and adjust the fragrance to your desired strength. ●Long lasting effect with 400ml. ●Freshly picked white peach scent: The scent of “white peach” is a juicy and fresh white peach scent that expresses the flesh of a slightly sweet peach.