Kirei Kirei Kitchen Nand Soa


キッチン用の薬用ハンドソープです。 洗浄成分は100%の植物性を使用。

 ひき肉をこねた時などのヌルつき汚れや魚のニオイなど調理時のニオイや汚れがサッと落とせます。 殺菌成分配合なので、手肌を清潔に保ちます。 また、泡切れがすばやいので、すすいだ後は手に香りも残しません。 

容器は、小さなお子様からお年寄りの方までなど皆様が押しやすい大型のポンプヘッドです。 250ml。 医薬部外品。


Medicated hand soap for the kitchen. The cleaning ingredients are 100% plant-based.

You can quickly remove odors and dirt during cooking, such as slimy dirt such as when kneading minced meat and the smell of fish. Since it contains bactericidal ingredients, it keeps the skin of the hands clean. In addition, the foam breaks quickly, so after rinsing, it does not leave any fragrance on the hands. 

The container is a large pump head that is easy for everyone, from small children to the elderly, to push. 250ml。 Quasi-drugs.
 Ingredients: Isopropylmethylphenol, propylene glycol, edetate, benzoic acid, benzoate, fragrance, dibutylhydroxytoluene, yellow 4, blue 1

* Due to the renewal, the package and contents are subject to change without notice. Thank you for your understanding.