Quality First Face Mask Super Vc100 7Pc


毛穴をはじめとする肌悩みを全方位ケアする理想型ビタミンC集中ケアマスク。 理想型ビタミンC(APPS)を始め4種のビタミンCを高濃度配合し、ナノカプセルで角質層のすみずみまでデリバリーします。 さらに保湿成分としてヒアルロン酸や濃グリセリンも配合。 やさしさを考えた防腐剤不使用。日本製。

An ideal vitamin C intensive care mask that cares for pores and other skin problems in all directions.
It contains a high concentration of 4 types of vitamin C, including ideal vitamin C (APPS), and delivers it to every corner of the stratum corneum with nanocapsules.
In addition, hyaluronic acid and concentrated glycerin are also included as moisturizing ingredients.
No preservatives are used for gentleness. Made in Japan.