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JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles is a multipurpose space that is operated by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in order to introduce a broader perspective and understanding of Japanese culture. It offers a wide selection of Japanese food, popular culture, advanced technology and the combination of the traditional and modern.

WAZA CONCEPT PLACE & ONLINE STORE opened in JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles on September 24th, 2021. This collaboration gives visitors and customers a deeper sense of Japanese traditions and culture through the diverse and authentic products.

Dainobuではメーカーと協業してWAZA Projectに参画し日本の食文化の良さをアメリカのお客様にお繋ぎできるよう09月2021年より取り組みを行っております。

Dainobu has been participating in the WAZA Project in cooperation with manufacturers to bring the benefits of Japanese food culture to American customers since September 2021.

久原本家 Kubara-Honke

カメヤ食品 Kameya Foods

奥井海正堂 Okui Kaiseido


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